Splatoon 3 Streamer Bingo

This Weapons Bingo Card generator is based on the original by Go1den, but heavily modified to be more usable in a streaming context

Click here for the Bingo Card

Click here for the OBS Dock to control it


Join the Splatoon 3 Bingo Discord: https://discord.gg/MBcX65DY8d


Browser Source

Add the Bingo Card link as a Browser Source in your OBS scene, and set the size to 1920x1080 pixels.

This is what shows the actual on-screen content. If your OBS canvas is smaller than 1920x1080, it's best to still make the Browser Source that size and resize it as a whole.

The board and weapon randomizer are set-up in reasonable places by default but if you need to move them, you can do so by right-clicking the source and choosing "Interact", after which a window will pop up that lets you move the items around the canvas.

Control Dock

To control the browser source you need a custom dock. In the Docks menu, choose "Custom Browser Docks" and in the resulting window add the Dock link and give it a name.

Note: because of browser security restrictions, you must use the dock from within OBS. Running it from a separate browser will not work.


Click "New Weapon" to get a random weapon. The Green/Red buttons mark that weapon as green or red on the board.

Click the "Reroll" button and then Save to re-roll your bingo board. This generates a new random seed (see below) and removes any red/green marks.

The two toggles under "Visibility" toggle either the board or the random weapon display on or off. Note: you can click "New Weapon" while the random weapon is hidden, and it will pop up for 10 seconds and hide again.

On-screen content settings

These settings take effect immediately.

Randomizer settings

These settings require pressing the 'save' buttons.


The seed is what determines what weapons go on the board, and in what order the randomizer shows them. Two players using the same board seed will get the same bingo board. You can use this to either have multiple people use the same bingo board (by setting the board seed) or the same random weapons (by setting the weapon seed) or both.

To set a custom seed, enter a number in the field and press the save button. Your board will immediately re-roll to match the seed. Setting the the board seed also resets the weapon randomizer; press "re-roll weapons" to get new weapons.

Important: if you're using a custom weapon seed with multiple people, do not enable "Board weapons only" if you use different boards as you will not get the same weapons in that case, and make sure everyone has the "No duplicate weapons" setting the same.


Version history

Release Date 1/4/2024


Release Date 12/11/2022


Release Date 11/11/2022


Release Date 8/11/2022


Release Date 7/11/2022


Release Date 5/11/2022
